Lawyer Jokes

Q: How many lawyer jokes are there?
A: Only three. The rest are true stores.

We’ve all done it. We’ve all told a lawyer joke or two. If not, we’ve at least thought about it! They’re not always easy to work with and every once in a while it feels good to laugh at them. Okay…maybe more than once in a while! We have done a bit of searching to find some of the funniest lawyer jokes on the internet for you. Please let us know if you come across one not listed that we can add. Enjoy!!

Aha! Jokes: Super nice collection of lawyer jokes and more!

Bored Panda: 174 lawyer jokes that are legally bound to entertain you.

Hopkins Caststeel PLC: The Arkansas firm’s running list of lawyer jokes.

Icicle Software: Their “The Good, the Bad and the Dirty” jokes page begins with a warning label.

Jokes Buzz Lawyer Jokes: Claiming lawyer jokes play a big role as a form of sarcasm contemplating the ethnic impression in lawyers.

Lawyer Humor on Pinterest: This page hosted by Rahaim and Saints, LLP has a nice collection of memes and jokes.

Reader’s Digest Canada: The funniest lawyer jokes of all time! You be the judge.

Lowering the Bar: Lawyer Jokes and Legal Culture

What do you call 600 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? Marc Galanter calls it an opportunity to investigate the meanings of a rich and time-honored genre of American humor: lawyer jokes. Lowering the Bar analyzes hundreds of jokes from Mark Twain classics to contemporary anecdotes about Dan Quayle, Johnnie Cochran, and Kenneth Starr. Drawing on representations of law and lawyers in the mass media, political discourse, and public opinion surveys, Galanter finds that the increasing reliance on law has coexisted uneasily with anxiety about the “legalization” of society. Informative and always entertaining, his book explores the tensions between Americans’ deep-seated belief in the law and their ambivalence about lawyers.

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